Golden Rules from: "The Biomagnetic Pair" by Dr. Isaac Goiz

This is from Dr. Isaac Goiz  Duran MD  book: The Biomagnetic Pair

* Biomagnetism is a therapeutic procedure.
* The positive biomagnetic pole is formed by the presence of hydrogen ions, H+, and/ or  viral particles
* The negative biomagnetic pole is formed by the presence of free radicals and/ or bacteria.
* The biomagnetic poles are in vibrational and energetic resonance.
* The biomagnetic poles are depolarized by magnetic induction of fields greater than 1,000 gauss.
* The biomagnetic depolarization is due to the law of all or nothing.
* The biomagnetic depolarization obeys the universal law of charges.
* Biomagnetic induction is instantaneous but the charge is exhausted in seconds.
* The ideal magnetic field for induction are in the order of 5,000 to 10,000 gauss.
* When the Biomagnetic poles are impacted, if there are already viral particles or genetic debris  it clears and if there]'[s already bacteria present the bacteria they dissapear.
* Theoretically, only one impact is required to eradicate a BMP and it does not reactivate again.
* The biomagnetic poles with positive polarity are asymptomatic. They cannot be detected by any other conventional system of diagnosis nor do they yield in their correction to any other therapeutic or drug method.
* The negative biomagnetic poles are symptomatic and yield in their treatment to drugs or other medical procedures.
* The normal energetic level (NEL) cannot generate pathologies. When biomagnetic focuses are being approached, the pathologies are more severe and the limit is the cellular structures.
* Natural magnets of medium intensity are not toxic nor can they produce iatrogeny, specially when they are applied in a dual manner.
* Natural magnets of medium intensity do not alter the cellular or tissue entropy. They only put it in order.
* The hydrogen bridge cannot be broken by magnetism but it can be broken electricity, heat and extreme atomic radiation.
* The regular BMP's identify the presence of  microorganisms whether they are viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites.
* The special BMP's identify tissue alterations not supported by pathogenic microorganisms.
* The dysfunctional BMP's identify internal alterations and hormonal production.
* The reservoir BMP's identify organs or tissues which support viral debris or toxicity from prior infections, for an indefinite time
* In the north hemisphere of the earth, the negative poles of the BMP's tend to establish themselves in the right half of the body. The opposite happens in the southern hemisphere.
* Common diseases are produced by a single BMP. The complex diseases are the result of an association of various pairs.